What’s Haunting You?

In today’s episode, Angie shares a personal story on her sober journey and how this path in life has become an area of life that keeps showing up and “haunting” her to embrace her truth. It’s a short and sweet episode meant to invite you into slowing down to think about what area of life is “haunting” you from day to day.

As mentioned in the episode, Angie is currently launching a Sacred Motherhood Circle that begins on Monday, January 18th at 7pm. If you are interested in learning more and/or receiving the Zoom link, please contact Angie directly at angie@angieschaffer.com.

The Awoken Mother is launching on February 22, 2021 and is currently taking applications for this 9-month transformational program to help guide mothers overcome and heal childhood trauma in motherhood. You can learn more @ www.angieschaffer.com/theawokenmother or by scheduling your FREE 30-minut clarity and connection call today @ https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=19088854&appointmentType=13764997.

Follow Angie on IG @angielynnschaffer.


Be, Do, & Feel Good


Vulnerability in Motherhood