Vulnerability in Motherhood
In today’s first episode of 2021, Angie shares thoughts on vulnerability and how it impacts our relationship to our children, spouses, and ourselves. She begins by sharing the definition of vulnerability per the Oxford Language Dictionary and follows with quotes from Brené Brown on vulnerability. Through this conversation, Angie opens the conversation for why we shy away from vulnerability and why it’s so important to a deeply connected relationship. Listen in and take some time this week to lean into how vulnerability feels to you.
Vulnerability: The quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed-either physically or emotionally. ~ Oxford Language Definition
Quotes from today’s episode:
“Vulnerability is not winning or losing; its having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; its our greatest measure of courage.” ~Brené Brown
“People who wade into discomfort and vulnerability and tell the truth about their stories are the real badasses.” ~Brené Brown
“Daring Greatly means the courage to be vulnerable, it means to show up and be seen, to ask for what you need, to talk about how you’re feeling, to have the hard conversations>” ~Brené Brown
“Vulnerability is a path back to each other - but we’re so afraid to get on it.”~Brené Brown
JOIN Angie on January 18th for the NEW (and free) Sacred Motherhood Circle to discuss vulnerability further by emailing her direct at!
Schedule your 30-minute connection chat to learn more about Angie’s new program, The Awoken Mother, launching February 22 @