When you evolve, everything evolves
In today’s episode, Angie reflects on the journey of this podcast and how it has evolved as she has evolved as a passionate woman, wife, and mother. A true testament to showing up in deep work is to watch your relationships, career, and most notably, yourself transform in a beautiful unfolding. Today’s episode is an offering to encourage listeners with the permission to evolve both personally and professionally and to take a moment from time-to-time to lean back and make changes to areas of your life that feel “off”. As the week continues, Angie will share more on this transformation and the offerings to this community.
As mentioned on the show, you can follow Angie on IG @angielynnschaffer or via email at angie@angieschaffer.com. The website is filled with offerings for those interested and keep your eyes open for some new offers as well.