A Conversation with Jen Mons: On Being a Conscious Mother and Lessons in Motherhood

In today’s guest episode, Angie is joined by Jen Mons who is the host of The Embodied Healing Self and Founder of the Embodied Soul Coach Academy for a heart-to-heart conversation around being a conscious mother. Jen shares her greatest lessons she has learned from her two daughters, how motherhood changed her life course, and many nuggets of wisdom as a coach and healer. Listen in and be inspired as a woman, mother and daughter.

Sacred Soul Quotes by Jen:

“It takes a huge act of surrender to listen and allow our children to fully be who they are and not put our ego into it.”

“There have been many times my life has dramatically altered course because I allowed my children to be my teacher. We are in a time of collective rising especially around the healing of the feminine and the children (boys and girls) are here supporting us and, if we listen, our children are all teaching us.”

“Letting your children be who they are and not making it about us.”

“When we can witness ourselves as mothers and daughters and see how we do it differently and when we can stop making ourselves wrong and stop being in the guilt and shame, we can see a lot more and we create the space to allow the healing.”

You can learn more about Jen and her work on IG @jen.mons or @embodiedsoulcoachacademy, listen to her podcast “The Embodied Healing Self” and visit her website @ www.jenmons.com.

As always, you can connect with Angie @ www.angieschaffer.com or on IG @angielynnschaffer.


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